How This Teacher Disrupted Education With The Mathnasium Model of Teaching

Mar 1, 2017

Veteran educator and Mathnasium Chief Instructional Officer Larry Martinek discusses the history and evolution of the Mathnasium Method, from Larry's days as a teacher in Los Angeles inner city schools to the inception and growth of the Mathnasium franchise opportunity. Today, Mathnasium is a top-ranked franchise opportunity and one of the fastest growing franchise networks in the United States. 

We expect certain professionals to go above and beyond just showing up for work. Educators are good examples of this. They are the backbone of our society and we rely on them to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs. Mathnasium is an unintended result of going above and beyond, and it provides some clues about how to strongly start any business.

Ranked #3 on Forbes list of Best and Worst Franchises to Buy in 2016 for investment under $150,000, the Mathnasium franchise model has enjoyed success since it launched in 2002. It currently has more than 700 locations with an average of two new openings each week.

What started as a need to help students in the inner city of Los Angeles has become one of the fastest growing franchises in the United States.

Read the full article: How This Teacher Disrupted Education With The Mathnasium Model of Teaching

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