Mathnasium’s specially trained tutors in Atlanta empower K-12 students of various skill levels to achieve excellence in math. Discover our personalized learning plans and book an assessment today.
Mathnasium helps K-12 students of various skill levels catch up, keep up, and get ahead in math in a caring and encouraging environment. Our Atlanta-based tutors teach math in a way that makes sense to kids, building the foundation for math mastery and improving their grades and confidence.
Our extensive network of nearly 1,000 learning centers brings qualified math tutors close to students nationwide.
Discover Mathnasium learning centers in Atlanta:
Can’t find a convenient location in Atlanta? Our students have the flexibility to attend classes in person and online.
A method that gets results
of parents report an improvement in their child’s math skills and understanding
of students saw an improvement in their school grades
of parents report their child’s improved attitude towards math after attending Mathnasium
The Mathnasium Method™
Our Atlanta tutors use the Mathnasium Method™, a proprietary method developed to help students build a solid math foundation through deep understanding by starting with what they already know, addressing any learning gaps, expanding their mathematical thinking, and adding new concepts in sequence.
Mathnasium has been great for my daughter. They conducted an assessment that identified the areas where she needs help. She loves going and is progressing in the areas where she previously struggled. Most importantly, her confidence has increased!
Since starting Mathnasium, my daughter has become much more comfortable with math. Prior to Mathnasium, her state math test scores placed her at the 40th percentile. This year she scored 75th percentile! We are so proud of her and thankful to Mathnasium!
My daughter loves Mathnasium! Her skills and confidence in math have tripled since she started. She attended Mathnasium online for an entire school year and the face-to-face instruction was crucial to her growth.
We welcome you to contact your local Mathnasium Learning Center with any questions you may have about our Atlanta math tutors. Here are some of the more common ones we get:
Our Atlanta math tutors work with K-12 students of various skill levels, helping them excel in:
We help students excel in their Prealgebra, Pre-calculus, Algebra, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Trigonometry classes.
Additionally, our Atlanta math tutors help students master:
We conduct diagnostic assessments at the beginning of your child’s Mathnasium journey to understand how they approach and think about math. Using these insights, we create a customized learning plan to meet your child’s unique needs and goals.
There are no grades or pass/fail scores; in fact, your child will not even feel like they're taking a test. We have designed this experience to be fun and interactive so your child can feel comfortable from the get-go.
We use our proprietary method called the Mathnasium Method™.
The method combines mental, verbal, visual, tactile, and written techniques, along with personalized learning plans and targeted lessons for comprehension to help students truly understand math.
Yes. As part of your child's customized program, we set aside time to help them with their math homework.
Our tutors will focus on helping your child understand the material, so they can complete school assignments independently.
Yes, and that’s what we love about our work at Mathnasium!
Our Atlanta math tutors help students improve their academic performance through targeted lessons and by enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
As many as 90% of our students report an improvement in their math grades.
Enrolling your child with Mathnasium in Atlanta is as easy as one-two-three: